Allison Hendricks

Allison Hendricks headshot

Allison Hendricks, MBA, Bachelor of Engineering, is the CEO and founder of Simply Stakeholders and is one of the pioneers in the Stakeholder Engagement industry in Australia.  She helped establish the International Association of Public Participation Practitioners Australasia and was a co-founder of the National Community Engagement in Infrastructure Forum in Australia. She was one of the key authors of the United Nations Brisbane Declaration on Community Engagement and has developed a number of resources to promote the practice of stakeholder engagement, including an Evaluation Framework that is used by business and governments across the world.

Allison has demonstrated leadership from a young age, founding the Engineering Society at university and going on to holding the role of President of the University of Sydney Union. While completing her MBA at the Australian Graduate School of Management, she was awarded the Sasakawa Peace Foundation Prize for young leaders.

Prior to Simply Stakeholders, Allison founded a consultancy business and software business Darzin Software. In 2021 Allison was awarded the Australian Government Boosting Female Founders competitive grant to help with the global expansion of her business.

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