Supporting the supporters research

Staff, volunteers and community members who work to support communities - they are the essential ingredient to a meaningful and sustainable recovery, and they require support. 

Hummingly's CEO Jolie Wills embarked on a global study tour, funded by a Winston Churchill Fellowship, to answer these questions:

  • What is the impact of a role in disaster recovery?
  • What do we risk by not looking after the supporters?
  • And most importantly, how do we support those with a role to play in supporting long-term community recovery?

Over 80 people in six countries offered up reflections relating to their experience in disaster recovery. Their experiences highlight that there is too much at stake if we fail to proactively support the supporters—for the affected communities, for the supporters themselves, and for the organizations they represent. 

12 principles emerged to shape effective support for the supporters, along with implementation tips and messages for the various roles from funders and recovery authorities to the supporters themselves.

We encourage you to download the research report and support principles, and explore Hummingly's workshops designed to practically bring this research to life.