Disaster recovery made easier
Training and resources to help recovery
Select from packaged-up options to make recovery easier for communities and for those working to support recovery.
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These cards offer advice from disaster recovery professionals who have 'been there' many times over.

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The cards for calamity are terrific. They're just what's needed to guide you through the multitude of decisions and challenges when there's so much going on and you don't have energy or time.

Meet our CEO
Jolie Wills
Jolie has a Masters in Cognitive Psychology and is a leading psychosocial expert in disaster and disruption. Jolie has studied how the mind works under prolonged pressure, how we make decisions and how our reactions and behaviors are impacted by stress. Jolie is a survivor of the Christchurch earthquakes and has lived disaster recovery with her family first-hand. She led the psychosocial recovery program for New Zealand Red Cross in response to the earthquakes and has supported those working in disasters around the world. Jolie is a Winston Churchill fellowship recipient, a Leadership New Zealand alumna, an Edmund Hillary Fellow, a co-author of Leading in Disaster Recovery: A Companion through the Chaos and is an advising member to the global Counter Terrorism Prevention Network.
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U.C. Berkeley get the boost they need after the sustained pressure of COVID
The Office of Emergency Management at Berkeley deal to the fatigue from prolonged and complex activations including responding to COVID-19.

Nationwide roll-out of Cards for Calamity to support disaster recovery
Every year, wildfires threaten lives, damage homes and livelihoods in Australia. Following wildfires, communities in Australia are left facing a long, often complicated and exhausting road ahead as...

The record no one wants
The State Emergency Operations Center in the State of Minnesota had a record-breaking 475-day activation for COVID - plus other events and emergencies layered on top.